Tag: Web
UChicago Vulnerability
In November 2024, I found and reported a security vulnerability in a University of Chicago system which allowed a malicious actor to access sensitive student data. This was reported in a Chicago Maroon article, but the following is the full story of how it all went down. Discovery When I first arrived at the University…
UChicago Shuttle Tracking
This tool tracks the University of Chicago Shuttle system, gathers historical data which is made available via an API.
CGP Grey’s Rock Paper Scissors
When I first saw CGP Grey’s Rock Paper Scissors video (embedded below), I immediately wanted to map out the whole tree and, using the YouTube API, see how the real proportion of viewers compared to the probabilities. Little did I know, it was about to consume my entire life for weeks. I started mapping the…
Clockify to iCal
Okay so on Friday night I didn’t want to face my responsibilities and work on current projects so I decided to start working on a small web app I’ve been meaning to make for a while so I thought I’d do a devlog. Some background I’ve been using Clockify since 2020 to track my time…
No Prompt Injections
Note: Discontinued due to high maintenance cost With the rise of new AI apps comes a new type of security threat: prompt injections. Similarly to code injections, they allow nefarious alteration of an app’s function. Many users have already posted several hilarious examples on social media. The No Prompt Injection API allows developers to protect…